Violent Shit II: Mother Hold My Hand

Violent Shit II: Mother Hold My Hand – 1992 – Germany

I was utterly revolted by the original Violent Shit, so you’re probably wondering why I would ever watch the sequel. Knowing that I like strange and extreme movies, someone gave me a DVD containing all four Violent Shit movies. I just couldn’t give up without seeing how the series progresses. What if the sequels are radically different? Sadly, that isn’t the case so far. Time will tell if I watch any more of this crap.

If you are not a total weirdo freak, you should probably skip this review. I’ll keep going for the one person still in the audience. Violent Shit II: Mother Hold My Hand is a nearly plotless exercise in gore, sex, gore, and extreme bad taste. Karl the Butcher Shitter Jr. stalks through the woods, chopping random people apart. Like Jason from Friday the 13th Part III, he wears a mask and wields a machete. The gore is really, really, really extreme, and the special effects are surprisingly convincing sometimes. There is lots of disemboweling. A person’s head is chopped in half with a shovel. There is a mass shooting in a porn theater. A woman’s vagina is stapled shut. A man’s testicles are pierced by a giant fishhook.

Also like Jason, Karl is totally hung up on his mom (played by a young woman wearing old-woman makeup). They have a sexual relationship. As she watches him kill, she urges him on by saying, “This is turning me on.” She reads him bedtime stories from an erotica novel and wishes him “wet dreams” before turning out the light. It’s all totally disgusting. The only way Violet Shit II could one-up its gross predecessor was by adding sex. There is some fairly pornographic female nudity. Karl also has sex with a severed head (after he cuts it off by tossing a lasso lined with razor blades and shouting “Bonanza!”)

Violent Shit II starts off with a ridiculous martial arts battle that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. It also has a totally sweet, psychedelic title sequence with video projection and strobe lights. The heavy metal Violent Shit theme song rocks pretty hard too. It’s all downhill after that though.

Rating: 1/10 Shrunken Heads

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